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It’s time for another apron – the last one for now. And quite a wintery one. This one was an experiment – and I’m not sure if it was successful. I found this gorgeous fabric and it’s absolutely my style – Animals, Mountains, Cabins! Perfect. Unfortunately it is quite a heavy and stiff decorative fabric. But because it consists mainly of cotton I gave it a try. Would also be a nice set of pillow cases wouldn’t it? 😉

To balance the stiffness a bit and improve the feeling of the fabric I lined the apron with an old, quite thin bedsheet. It helped a little but you notice that this isn’t the intended use case for this kind of fabric. Also it is very very heavy and I have to bind the ties really tight to hold it up, which makes this apron not exactly the most comfortable one.

For a bit of color I sewed a green piping to the waistband – and reinforced that waistband with a bit of twill tape. Unfortunately, you only see the latter because the tape has decided to rub off in the laundry. In the future it will also be pre-washed …
Visually, I think the apron is fuckin’ awesome. I absolutely love this fabric and it really gets emphasized when combined with an otherwise black outfit. But whether it will remain in this form – I don’t know. I’ll definitely tell you if it becomes a pillow case 😀

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